Artemia or brine shrimp cysts are hatched in water with salt (30 grams per litre), at a temperature of 25-28°C, under constant aeration and illumination. ZEBCARE recommends a cyst density of 2 grams per litre during hatching. In order to perform the artemia hatching process optimally, ZEBCARE has designed a compact artemia hatching system.
The ZEBCARE Artemia hatching system consists of 3 transparent plastic hatching cones in a lightproof cabinet (made out off durable polypropylene). The three hatching cones in the system (Ø 160 mm, height 500 mm) have a capacity of 6 litres.
The hatching cones are equipped with a drain valve, aeration and LED lighting. The central electrical switch of the hatching system shuts off the LED-lighting, the heating and the aeration at the moment the life artemia needs to be harvested.
Below the hatching cones is a collection tray, in which the artemia harvesting beaker can be placed. This harvesting beaker has a bottom consisting of 100 micron stainless steel mesh, allowing easy harvesting and rinsing of artemia.
The lightproof cabinet of the hatching system prevents light from affecting the surrounding area, allowing this system to be placed in the same room next to the zebrafish husbandry systems and other aquatic research systems.
The hatching system can be placed against a wall or on a bench. In both cases a water supply and water drainage point must be provided to connect the system to.
We recommend to use the Great Salt Lake artemia cysts which we have always in stock to deliver fast to all our customers! More information on the GSL artemia can be found on our artemia information page.
Please contact us for the latest prices or visit our webshop for a quote.
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